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Bell school

The most privileged school in CPS, mostly consists of rich white kids who all wear nike and adias. The options kids are cool but all wear cool alternative clothes and have cool alternative clothes. The school treats everyone like they are in the 1st grade, they also pressure everyone to get into getting into the best high schools. The workload is about 4 hours of homework, this much work leads to burnout, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. The school likes to act like it totally didn’t abuse the deaf population of its schools since the beginning by making every student go to a total of 1 ASL class. Literally everyone throughout all of CPS hates our students and teachers because the school makes all the teachers and kids egotistical maniacs. The school is actually hell

Person- Oh u go to Bell school?
Person- no wonder you look like a piece of white bread and you know ASL

by Lucifer-the-satanic-queen October 2, 2019

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