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A man who is ingeniously mechanically inclined, meticulous and tidy in his work, a born leader, always the alpha in a pack of men, uses keen logic in everything he does, is particularly good in running a business, extraordinarily talented in finding new ways to generate money, a quick learner and highly intelligent(smart enough to be dangerous to anyone who gets on his bad side), articulate in speech (and thus is usually seen attached to a cell phone), and generally family based. Chets make good faithful husbands, fearless patriots, successful business owners, loving fathers, fulfilling lovers, honest Christians, stoic protectors of all that is dear to a man, awesome friends, keen outdoorsmen, wicked-cool inventors, and dangerous pranksters. It is nearly impossible to outwit a Chet. If a Chet doesn't know you that well, then it is in your best interest to always be polite to him. Do not expect to insult a Chet without losing your job or social standing as he will thoroughly shame you and put you in your rightful place. Chets can be your best friends or worst enemies. Often they are misunderstood and thought of as assholes, when in reality, they are just blunt and don't put up with crap from anyone. But once you get to know a Chet, you will undoubtedly wish you were one, or at least his friend. It is easy to be jealous of them. If a woman prefers a white bellied, soft-handed man who wears designer clothes, she should NEVER marry or even date a Chet.

Woman broke down on the side of the road: "I need a Chet to save the day."

Thief: "Oh crap! Let's get outta here! I heard a Chet cock his pistol!"

by LuckyChetLover March 20, 2009

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