Medway, Massachusetts. Sometimes referred to as cowtown or deadway. 97% white. Population around 14,000 and located southwest of Boston. There are cows, horses, and like, 2 black people. Typical family has 2 kids and a dog. Moms drive honda pilots and volvos.
Past times of teens include getting wasted at the "hippie fields" during the summer, but the cops finally caught on so that's over. On any given half-day during the year you will find swarms of middle schoolers hanging out at "the plaza". The ugg wearing teeny boppers love getting caramel frapps from starbucks while their boyfriends who sometimes think they're ghetto or something loiter outside of McDonalds (meanwhile horses roam in the distance)
Kids complain about the lack of raging parties, so they are forced to get drunk with 10 other people in a basement and then smoke large amounts of weed.
People are not stuck up like nearby Medfield, but not scummy like Bellingham. Rival Holliston is pretty much the exact same place as Medway but with a better football team.
The high school is brand new, and there's even a friggin bank in the lobby. Why? No one knows.
Oh, and there's Szechuan Garden, which is fuckin awesome!
"dude last night was so crazy, i almost thought my mom saw me steal that mike's hard from the fridge!! shittin my pants over here man"
"Hey I'm from medway!!!"
"medfield? arent you like sick at lax?"
"wtf no its medWAY!!!!!!"
"what is medway?"
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