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Someone who hears but does not see an event

The earwitness, the said that she heard the "couple having sex", when in all actuality they had gotten back from a long late-ate-nite jog

by Luddz July 5, 2015

Thin Lizzie

An angry, skinny, straight woman, who mostly likely spent time in prison; She hates men, and feels power over them by hanging around lesbians. She is often tweeked-out on drugs -- which makes her more of a bitch.

"Watch out for Thin Lizzie...she went psycho the last time I made fun of her music." She's pretty angry today."

by Luddz May 4, 2015

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


One who claims or asserts that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case.

The alleger, the one who stated the allegation, is in the next room sipping her tea all prim and proper-like.

by Luddz June 3, 2015

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


n. The act of mating with an alien.

Spock, however illogical, is the progeny of a human mother and a Vulcan father ; this Xenocesty, in creating offspring, is quite unorthodox and highly improbable.

by Luddz July 18, 2021


The more proper term, to refer to a 'Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saint' --instead of the possibly slightly derogatory epithet 'Mormon'. Also, it may be more proper to say 'LDS' -- as in, "He's LDS" and not "He's an LDS" --unless one says "He's an LDS member.'

Are you LDS?

by Luddz February 3, 2015

102πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Kangaroo Court

A kangaroo court is one not following established legal principles and procedures. Some groups off prisoners, for example, try their fellows and occasionally enforce arbitrary, cruel, and/or perverted punishments. In the West a comic show may be made of a kangaroo court, with "dudes" or others being tried for trivial or imaginary offenses. An authorized court may be called a kangaroo court if its procedures are highhanded, irresponsible, and of doubtful legality:.

Lynching was often preceded by trials in kangaroo courts.

by Luddz July 8, 2015

26πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

cheap trick

A gimmick that deceives the wits by using specious devices; perhaps catering to the stupidity or base desires of those falling prey to such a deception.

"That was a cheap trick you pulled on my last weekend!"

by Luddz August 14, 2015

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž