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Wikipedia Scholar

A person who attempts to demonstrate knowledge obtained by searching on Wikipedia. This person has no legitimate degree from an accredited institution in said subject/topic, but will use the online encyclopedia to prove their point on the topic being discussed.

After reading a ridiculous comment from someone that posted a link:

"Oh look, a Wikipedia Scholar is trying to prove himself again."

"Oh the Wikipedia Scholar thinks be correct, because he thinks he has a good source of information."

by Luddz May 7, 2015

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Obviously, "the condition of being lost," but more often in a psychological sense than in a geographical sense.

The 1970s was a decade of lostness for the American people, with wavering or obliteration of compass points they had once thought permanently fixed.

by Luddz June 10, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spite marriage

A marriage motivated primarily by a desire to hurt or get even with someone else.

"She soon found out that her spite marriage to Bob was a big mistake. You see, Tom didn't care -- in fact he congratulated them both with the utmost sincerity."

by Luddz June 9, 2015

4977๐Ÿ‘ 4199๐Ÿ‘Ž


A delightful word, to describe people or faces bright with good cheer, forthrightness, optimism, or the like.

When she walked into the meeting, we all noticed how beamish her faces was. It was then that we knew she had beat her rival out of the promotion.

by Luddz June 21, 2015

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A warehouse where. after a small membership fee, one can bring one's family to get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner -- commonly known as 'samples'.

We were hungry, so we went on an outing to Costco.

by Luddz May 25, 2015

118๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who prefer and are more adept at manual activities rather than mental ones.

Schools should make special provisions for their hand-minded students.

by Luddz June 10, 2015

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Hawthorne Effect

According to experiments (first conducted in the Hawthorn plant of Western Electric in Illinois, people who are told that they are highly capable and are doing well will then do even better work than worse. The adage "Honey catches more flies than vinegar" suggests that changes resulting from praise or dispraise may not be lasting.

At my workplace, nobody employs the Hawthorne Effect ....so it should be no big secret that it sucks to work there.

by Luddz June 10, 2015

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