Most criminal TOWN in Britain (3rd overall)
Manchester is 5TH!
Also, derogatory term for Rockport boots
Lock your doors when your going through Stockport!
Ey Stacey 'ow much were dem fake Stockports off market?
13π 12π
he's fat, he's round and his arse is on the ground!
there is no example apart from gavin baigent! haha
6π 19π
"I really want that spangly new DVD player in Dixons window."
18π 27π
To throw-up on your brand new wife, while making a baby, on your wedding night.
She was beautiful in her white wedding dress. . . it's a shame I couldn't wait to take her. Her dress is now ruined as she's been bel-schplorked.
2π 1π
A slick desmond is 1 swish dude. Hes quick smart and cool.
"Cor Slick Desmond!"
1π 2π
the act of recieving a rodeo like ride from a female immediatly following getting wokin up.
Bartoe recieved a rise n shine from a 300 pound fat girl with one leg, and he loved every second of it. Over and Over he got rise n shines. `1
3π 9π
the act of masterbating immedatitly following getting woke up.
After a long drunkin night dan was intised to do a rise n shine.
1π 13π