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Roblox Slender

A bitchass, fucking failures, depressing fucking excuse of a roblox player. Extremely toxic for no fucking reason when you breathe around it. The males have over 60 mates and will defend their mates if you even eat around it. Sometimes if your lucky you may find a male court shipping with other females, and watch the absolutely blinding show of true horror. Some of the females can come with large legs that let them attract mates. Males are very tall. They come with emo looking shit on, and a slick ass face to show you they aren't playing games (despite them technically playing fasion show, looking like clowns.). Some may come with no leg.

To put it easily, Roblox Slenders are emo assholes.

"Oh shiver me timbers! its a roblox slender!"

by Lunamoonsgo May 10, 2022