JackdHammer : A.K.A : To have been jackdhammerd to be a jackdhammer.
A Term first popularized by PornCritic1 in his reviews on adult triple x movies. Term is used to describe what PornCritic1 absolutely hated in porn and someone he would kick off the porn set if the act of jackhammering was used by male performers regardless of directive given.
Jackhammers , is used to describe a style of fornication that is male dominant, as the man would vigorously and aggressively plow, or jackhammer the female. Along with the constant in out in out , slamming pelvic to pelvic , groin to groin. At a feverish pace. And to make matters even more bothersome, the man would also completely monopolize the femaleâs movement by holding her still in place as he jackhammered away without thought or care of the viewers watching or the female he is plowing thru. With the really bad jackhammers also would hold the females head in place as he would also jackhammer her mouth during fellatio. Theres even a anti jackhammer guild committee. Who are also against excessive man moans in porn.
Groups like them are needed to safe guard porn cause most porn fans are generally men(at least back then it was) men dont want to see another manâs balls flopping up and down and pumping frantically like a malfunctioning robot moaning while he is jackhammering. Cause watching a femaleâs body move and watching the femaleâs skills must be showcased as it deserves. Jackhammers prevent that.
Submitted by LuvH8Luv
My girlfriend told me her first experience with sex was horrible. When I asked her why, she said it was because the guy was a jackhammer. I knew exactly what she was talking about since I use to be one of them types in bed. I then told her I was sorry she was jackdHammerd and glad it wasnt me who gave her that experience. But i must admit. I have some female victims out there from my jackdhammer past.
There is a time and place for jackhammering and a porn set nor a deflowering of a virgin is not one of those times.
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Amburnt: when a person needs to take better care of their own well being in just about every aspect of their life. From years of not legitimately suffering thru lifeâs issues and learning from them. But instead they cope with trauma by using drugs or alcohol. Generally a word used for addicts of meth who haven't had a healthy amount of sleep which makes them unreasonable with false sense of entitlement and delusions of grandeur amongst many other poor human characteristics. Word is believed to have been 1st used by frustrated people who were friends with a female named Amber , who had severe personality disorder plus drug addict. Also hasn't had a healthy nor meaningful relationship ever due to reasons mentioned above but not limited to those reasons.
Submitted by LuvH8Luv
Iâm so tired of being stuck with a malignant narcissist who is constantly creating turmoil and provoking me to defend my good nature only to be gaslighted as if the problem she created is all my fault. I doubt more sleep, more care or even mental healthcare professional could maje her realize the errors of her ways. Canât help someone who is that severely amburnt . I need to run the opposite direction from someone that toxic. If only there was a warning system for her type. I would issue a âAmburnt Alertââ to warn others of her.
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City Hall door knob: see definition for âtown bikeâ
In regards to a very promiscuous and slutty female. Who has had sexual encounters with just about everyone in the city. Or wouldnât have a problem attempting to. Everyone gets a turn. Just like a door knob at the city hall.
Submitted by LuvH8Luv
When asking my friend if that hot Slut Jaclyn would be at the swingers party. He told me that she had become the city hall door knob the last he heard. And from that risky lifestyle ended up giving a turn to the wrong guy who then turned her out as a prostitute. The pimp soon realized she wasnât a good earner since she was so use to giving it out for free and given her history with bedding down with nearly all the residents in the city , at one point in time or another without ever asking the guy for money. There wasnât a single man who was willing to pay for a dirty town bike which they have all ridden for free. What a shame I thought. Cause she was fun and good to look at. Guess It is a Fine line between a fun ho. And a dumb and ruined one.
When one's lap becomes over crowded with random things from multitasking while sitting in same spot for extended period of time.
Derived from the word tidy and lap
After cramming for my art project 's final assignment last night, I ended up with lapuntidus. Took me nearly 5 minutes to clear everything off my lap and around my chair before I could even stand up.
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LDNLT stands for âLittle Dicks Need Love Tooâ
Self explanatory. An under represented category in adult movie industry. Came to popularity when the rise of excessive huge penis porn flooded the industry. And comments and reviews of porn scenes with standard normal sized male performers would be shamed by internet trolls. When men start to shame other men for their penis size like they were in grade school or just to be insinuating they have a big one and know how to use it and act like huge dicks are the only dicks that woman seek and want is absurdly unrealistic and only represents a small percentage of woman known as size queens. The counter culture to the big penis agenda in porn industry started to form and presents the bottom line fact that everyone needs love. No matter race ethnic background , gender, over weight , dwarf, big or small. That even little dicks need love too. LDNLT Often pronounced like ââLivâd -Laânitâ . Community believes that you have got what you got, and must make the best of it and live with it and not nit pick thru life based on unrealistic expectations.
If people would be more focused on providing pleasure to their partner and not be jaded by porn industry they would not only be happier and realize if expectations are based in fantasy then being disappointed will be the norm. Little Dicks Need Love Too and if given the chance the LDNLT would prove very capable of providing pleasure . Unless of course you are a narrow minded size queen cocksnob whoâs only skill in bed is to be plowed by jackhammer and become a lazy worthless cavernous fuck Slut that should be in a donkey show south of the border instead of a woman with sexual allure and prowess worth a manâs attention.
Soul Nerve disease: Is the literal translation from Mandarin Chinese to English . Has been commonly used by 2nd to 3rd generation Chinese Americans born in the states. In the Mandarin Chinese language, it is primarily used when describing a person who has severe mental instabilities like insane or crazy pronounced shun- jing.bing. But in America when translated its used for people whom have personality disorders that are generally untreatable. Example would be calling someone who is a malignant narcissist someone who is suffering from a severe case of soul nerve disease.
Submitted by LuvH8Luv
When asking my friend, who has been in a toxic relationship , how everything was going. He said, that he finally realized he had to leave his girlfriend before he gets totally drained by her soul nerve diseased manipulative ways. Which was a relief for me and all other friends to hear. Cause that girl was a jezebel spirit if there ever was one.
Pube digger : is a big pointy nose often with a slight downward hook at tip of nose. on a female who is known to give good oral sex. Used to describe a girl who isnât much to look at but gives incredible oral sex deep throating and smashing her big nose into the pubic hairs as she goes down and up like sheâs digging for pubic hairs with her nose. Can be taken as an insult or a compliment depending on the context itâs used in or how sensitive one is to their big nose which is often the 1st thing that people notice.
Submitted by Luv H8 Luv
When trying to find my blind date my friend has set me up with, all I could see was her very witch like nose. All it needed was a mole on it to be witch worthy. But instead of being discouraged by the sight. I kept optimistic that by the end of evening she would be a talented Pube digger.