The most handsome, sweetest, lovable, cutest, funniest, most amazing guy in the whole world. Stephen is helpful and chivalrous and gentle hearted yet strong and brave. Hes beyond compare.
I'm going to marry Stephen Beiras one day.
The most handsome, sweetest, funniest, most amazing guy on earth.
Stephen Beiras is so perfect, I wanna be with him forever
Migui: Loyal, tough, smart, hilarious, woman. She knows everything about everything, this girl knows the streets to the books to the boys to it all. Mad pretty too, this social butterfly has brains, Bronx, and beauty. Respectful queen, that Migui.She got that sass sweetness and she's the funnest, most hilarious dork ever, you gotta love Migui.
Yo, migui's the best. Bro, get yourself a migui, she's perfect!
11👍 4👎
The best friend you could ever ask for. She don't play, if you're cool, you're cool, she's not gonna pretend you're friends when you're not, she'll be true to you. She's so loyal, so sweet. When she compliments you, it's genuine. She's not the type who's down for on and off again, if you're friends she'll stay by your side no matter what. She's trustworthy, you can tell her anything, she's super funny and gorgeous and just awesome in every aspect.
You know Kianna? She's mad loyal.
Yeah, she's funny too, she be having me dying. She slayyss! She's a queen.
84👍 9👎