RAG is just Crossed @ symbol . What you can do with RAG every so called APE knows . When in some Lang they describe @ - as APE . then crossing it with / is good way to say it is good way to say it is just a RAG . cause it shows what it shows in this symbol and I do not care . Other way to write this word is just RŪG with line crossed just down in middle - so called crossed U symbol . looks as upside down A symbol . Means the same . Just RŪG can be more heavy until you will cut them into pieces .
I. This crossed @ was terrible . I had to burn this rag . II. They insinuated to cover their own shit with their RŪG . IT was bit too heavy as some kind of good ICBM . It random dropped on the ground . I stomped on IT . I using it to clean my best
SHOES . I drilled down this RŪG in many places . SPRAYED IT black in some part . I did some SYMBOLS with BLACK spray on it after and I would think what I would do with it after I would send some codes to bring it UP in OUR PURGE.EXEÂ©ï¸ Ultimate Solutions . III . IF this RŪG is so heavy to carry I would CUT it into some small RAGS to use and I would decide what I would do with them after . It would be some kind of departing this big fem or man ICBM into some kind of spare parts to organize NeXT movements . I just think I would do not need to get or send many numbers or codes to do it right now .