Source Code

Double Dutch

Unique and secret language that can be spoken, written, and read. The trick to speaking it is to add "ib" before or after (depends on the word) each syllable. Rules differ depending on the medium of communication.

SPEAK>WRITE means writing it how it is spoken.

WRITE>READ means writing it so that when it is read, it sounds like it is being spoken. Similarities between the two can be identified when both ways are written.

Example of Double Dutch:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy brown dog."

SPEAK>WRITE translation:

"Thibe quibick bibrown fibox jibumps iboviber thibe libaziby bibrown dibog."

WRITE>READ translation:

"Thaiba quibickbi brownfi boxjai bumpsai bovai berthai balai bayzai bibai browndai bog."

by M.Brado March 28, 2009

17👍 27👎