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The Great Depression

The Great Depression, also known as the great grandfather to the Corona Pandemic. It was the worst economic downtown that lasted from 1929-1939 making each and everything depressing to look at just like how hard the stocks market got massacred at the time.

The title granted The Greatest Depressed person in the world by the rest of the depressed people sharing the world with his great majesty.

Grandfather: Boy, let me tell you about the time the world went into the great depression
Boy: The future is now old man, welcome to the Corona pandemic, The Great Depression 2.0

Friend 1: Hey did you meet The Great Depression?
Friend 2: Yeah man, His depression was so great to the point where my struggles felt so insignificant. i feel so good about myself now
Friend 1: That man has shouldered the depression accumulated throughout your entire life . you are free now brother

by M1ndFudge June 20, 2020

5👍 2👎


In Arabic it means those who will succeed and prosper, a title for the hardworking and committed souls. But in reality it is an indication of being depressed beyond help to the point which can become a huge pain in the a$$ even for the most tolerant individuals.

Person 1: Hey i heard you are married to a Falih you lucky gal
Person 2: Its truly a blessing indeed I cant wait to see what amazing thing he would do next

Bro 1: I wanna help him but that idiot keeps being a pain in the a$$ about everything
Bro 2: That idiot needs to calm the hell down cause he's getting on my nerves with that B.S.
Bro 3: Chillout Bruh.... He's a "Falih" there's nothing in the world that can change it

by M1ndFudge June 20, 2020

6👍 6👎