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Lip Packers Of America. You pack a lip of chewing tobacco on a regular basis

Man me and my LPOA buddies are heading out to the bridge to break in a new can. You wanna come?

by M44Gunner September 27, 2010


Like BAMF except your replace Bad with the word Poor. Poor Ass Mother Fucker

Those Italians down the street from me are PAMF's

by M44Gunner January 24, 2010

7👍 13👎

Nebraska Fatty

Where you put in a dip of chewing tobacco so big that you can not get your lip over the dip in your mouth.

Dude you should have seen this Nebraska Fatty I had last night. It was like the size of Hastings.

by M44Gunner February 25, 2011

2👍 1👎