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Ogres Are Onions

A sarcastic idiom that is used to mock a person or people that think they understand a certain concept.

Person A: Oh I see! So quantum physics is basically advanced physics!
Person B: Ah yes, Ogres Are Onions... It's not.. You.. You can't simplify it that much my dude...

by MAJE_4 November 14, 2021


When you're complimenting someone else, but you know you don't actually mean it.
So you're basically lying about the compliment.

Employee: Oh boss you are so generous, I can't thank you enough for raising my salary, you are GENEROUSSS!
Boss: I'll give you extra if you stop the capliments...
Employee: Well christ Boss I can't believe you consider a 5$ increase in my salary a promotion you're such a freakin greedy grasping A-hole!
Boss: That's more like it B) ... Here's an extra dollar.

by MAJE_4 August 6, 2021

Social Stroke

A person's sudden tendency to purposely and deliberately do something awkward, cringy, or weird (but not harmful) in front of other people (usually strangers or people they don't know well), with the intent of being amused or entertained by their followed reactions.

John: *Gives a thumbs up to a random stranger he knows he had never seen before, then chuckles at their weirded-face reaction*
Jake (John's friend): "Again with your Social Strokes dude! If you don't care about your social image I do jeez! Just stop it!"
John: "Ahahahahahah! Sorry dude I just had to see his reaction I don't know what happened to me XD"
Jake: "It's called a Social Stroke... You always have them... And always when I'M WITH YOU!"

by MAJE_4 July 11, 2021