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Man-Alien-Predator (pronounced M-A-P or MAP):
Lil Wayne's(Dwayne Carter, Jr.'s) Species.

A Man-Alien-Predator is a creature that is part Human, part Alien, and part Predator (Like off the movie AVP). Lil Wayne is the only certified MAP, he is a special subspecies of it called MAP (Midget-Alien-Predator). Somehow a midget human, an alien, and a predator mixed together. Probably at some Intergalactic Kegger. The Alien and Predator were most likely highly intoxicated on space beer and ran a train on an ugly female human midget, thus resulting in the creature we now call Lil Wayne.

All MAPs are either born with no penis or a micro penis, thus leaving them basically sterile, also with no soul. They dont have any of the powers of Aliens or Predators, the only power they have is brainwashing. This would explain how Lil Wayne looks like he does and cant rap but yet he still has fans. How else could a 5'4'', short, ugly, non-hood, fake thug, wannabe, homo, shadow creature, no-talent, hybrid species, micro-penised midget sell records?

Guy 1: "Man, how does Lil homo ass Wayne still sell records and have fans?"
Guy 2: "Hes an MAP, they have no soul and their only power is brainwashing simple minded people, thus resulting in mindless Wayne fans"
Guy 1: "Oh yeah, and I heard he has a tiny penis, what size is it?"
Guy 2: "Superhead said its the size of a Mini Vienna Sausage....Divided by 100, you need a high powered microscope to witness its sheer smallness....WOW man..."

by MAPExterminator June 17, 2008

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