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A two-faced, back-stabbing home-wrecking hoodrat. With 5 to 10 kids who all have different dad’s cus she’s a homie hopper. All her kids hate her guts. She has no respect for other women, much less herself. She will try hard to steal your man. She will use black magic on him to control his mind cus she can’t get his love naturally. She has gang/prison tattoos, multiple lovers names all over her body, blasted across her chest. Be careful if you have money & you date her a couple times she’ll tattoo your name on her, even if she doesn’t know your real name because that’s how thirsty she is. She has ugly hair & she looks cross-eyed, she’s got a gap between her teeth so big it looks like she’s missing a tooth. She’s uneducated. The only skills she has is being a thief & a con-artist. She has a criminal record under multiple identities that she’s stolen. Stay away from this evil witch. She will try to ruin your life. And don’t bother confronting her because she’s a lying whore who will cry the biggest crocodile tears you ever seen & swear to your face that she’s “not a bad person” & “is not the type to take another woman’s man” but immediately contradict herself by saying, “yes, I did know he had a girlfriend. He told me right from the start.” She’ll even cry from seeing you cry & like if she’s feeling your pain as you sit two feet away from her but don’t fall for it because she will look up at you and through her tears she will say, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Hey, girl, what’s going on with you and your man? You look so unhappy lately.

I know, things are so messed up right now cus of some Leilani.

Oh, man, so she’s got him fooled; huh? It will all work out. It’s only a matter of time before she starts to show her true colors & he realizes she’s garbage.

by MIASINCE3am April 29, 2024


A short full bread Mexican girl who is a backstabbing dyke but thinks she’s white, is super racist & thinks she’s a cute little squirrel but she’s just an ugly rodent. Once you make the biggest mistake of your life by letting her in she will isolate you & control you. She won’t even let you use the bathroom with the door closed or let you listen to your music or talk to your friends or go to work. She’ll treat you like a slave & order you around & make you pay for everything even for her friends. She’ll steal all your personal information from your phone when you’re sleeping & when you want to go to work she’ll turn on you & betray you. She betrays all her girlfriends by fucking their best friends & ruining everyone’s life by playing both sides of the fence & flip flopping her loyalty however it serves her selfish needs. She loves to get high & she will always put drugs first. She’s institutionalized & she can’t stop stealing & will let her friends & her mom steal from her gf. And she will never tell the truth about anything. She’s a bully & threatens to hurt you if you call her out on anything.

Hey what happened to you? You look like shit. Where is your car? Why haven’t you been to work & why does your best friend hate you now? Who burnt your kitchen down? It looks like a Teresa has been living here.

I know, and she stole all my money out of my bank account too. I messed up big time & I accidentally let a Teresa move in.

by MIASINCE3am May 17, 2022