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A website that has started as a briliant slang dictionary, but has just become the breeding ground for newbies who think it's a message board. It is now also used to define names, which isn't allowed, and to make fun of people.

urbandictionary used to be cool, but idiots messed it up.

by MIKE February 7, 2005

41πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


chav (noun)- 1 Anyone wearing any kind of burberry clothing 2 A youth usually, although not neccessarily in his or her teens who has an undying belief that they are the hardest and coolest individual to have ever walked this planet. The male chav is distinguishable by his birght colours and imitaion gold jewellry which he uses to attract chavettes (see next). Any eye contact will be met with a tirade of abuse assuming the chav is with his herd. 3 Chavette A female chav who is distinguishable by the use of earings resting on her shoulders, very innapropriate clothing, and a pram. Chavettes are very rarely seen on their own and prefer to hang around with the dominant chav in their herd, usually the father of their child. 4 Chavish the dialect of the chav. Believing that he is a bad boy gangsta rapper, the chav or chavette will converse with others in a secrect language. Scientists have been working for years on trying to decipher chavish but to no avail. Other than swear words that you will manage to pick out, you will not understand any of this tirade; simply assume its not pleasant and probably involves your parents and a dog. (see example)

ere dean wats that nigga lookin at-ee is ganna get a beatin-dere be blood on da floor man. oi faggot you startin or wha? yo mumma got banged up by ma dog hoe.

by MIKE January 23, 2004

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weapon of choice by Hinckle

Mr. Hinckle will kill you with his putter in tornado mode.

by MIKE March 27, 2003

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The best spirit in the world

Fancy some turkey?

by MIKE July 14, 2003

93πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


slang term for the Fender Precision Bass

The P in P-Bass should stand for punk.

by MIKE November 13, 2004

20πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


a black guy that acts like a preppy white person.

that blacker doesn't even listen to rap! wtf?

by MIKE May 15, 2003

39πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


An exclamitory word used by the people who speak JC. Usually used to announce the excitement recently brought on upon by the environment around one's self.

Coop: Hey ima give you a million bucks, okay?
Mike: SENJ!!!

by MIKE April 4, 2004

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