Source Code

getting turboed

When you are on a computer with a power and a reset button, and you tell someone to press the "turbo" button, which is really the reset button. They will think that it makes the computer go faster, but in reality, they will lose all of their work.

Joe asks Justin, "Why is my computer going so slow?" Justin says, "Maybe you should press the turbo button!" Joe presses it, and loses all of his work, seven times. What a gay. Joe just shoed getting turboed sucks.

by MIKE September 21, 2006

23πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


mammary glands, chebs, bouncers, cannon balls, boulders, pillows, funbags

badadabadadabadada (the noise a decent-sized pair of bouncers will make if slapped from side to side, sounds like a boxer's speedball)

by MIKE October 1, 2003

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


WOTAN is an sometimes used as an acronym for Will Of The Aryan Nation....also, wotan was the name for odin outside of scandanvia, so wotanism is a variant of odinism

A lot of racist douchebags call themselves Wotanists

by MIKE December 31, 2005

23πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


not to be confused with mazon, Mazon (witha capital M) refers to surperiority and total sexyness. One may be a "Mazon" if one is an original pimp or just a natural-born genious.

Eli: O snap, how are you so sexy and get all the girls?
Mazon: Because i'm a Mazon.
Eli: Damn, so you mean the Enzyte i take wont do anything?
Mazon: Nope. =)

by MIKE March 30, 2005

29πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


79% of the earth is covered by water

the rest is covered by smoot

by MIKE December 6, 2004

88πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


Short for brass knuckles

"Yo duude i got a guy commin up from the south side to sell me some knucks"*
Erik 2004

by MIKE February 27, 2006

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


eventify v trans (event + suffix -ify; cf. stratify)Ð to fill with events, to make more eventful.

Do you want to eventify your life? To make it fuller and brighter? Come to travel with us.

Let's think how we could eventify our next vacation.

You know I love you but our relationship is becoming a routine. I'm looking for some ways to eventify it.

It would be good to eventify one's life to have more fun out of it, but this may be distractive or even destructive for for life itself.

by MIKE December 31, 2004