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an awesome person

person 1: you are such a cappie789

person 2: thank you

by MITCHWWE November 1, 2013

3👍 1👎

Damien sandow

A wrestler in WWE that knows almost everything. he is as good as triple h at zinging people and is currently teamed up with cody rhodes as "team roades scholars"

he wheres pink tight/trunks and purple knee/armpads.

he is also WWE`s best heel.

tweeter: whats growing inside your beard?

Damien sandow: i keep my beard trimmed every day thank you. what is growing inside your head?

by MITCHWWE December 27, 2012

24👍 6👎

Carry the G

To 'Carry the G' is to be a hardcore Cheesehead or Green Bay Packers fan.

Person 1: What NFL team is your favourite?

Person 2: I carry the G. Go Pack go

by MITCHWWE February 13, 2020