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Aaliya the best word the best name the best person you’ll ever meet. If your lucky enough to meet an Aaliya you will see she is the most beautiful smart funny amazing unbelievable girl ever and although she will seem shy at the start you might be lucky enough to gain her trust and she might just open up to you. But don’t break her trust because she knows right from wrong and she will drop you and move on because she is a strong independent woman. Aaliya knows how she feels and what she wants and she knows how to get to where she wants to be. Don’t argue with her because you she knows how to use words but you will be on the wrong any way so just try and make it up to her. If you are thinking about asking Aaliya out don’t bother your already not good enough but if she does except you do not cross her lines or you’ll end up alone quicker than you can imagine. People like this are very rare and you won’t find another girl anything close to what she is. If you do end up being lucky enough to be with her don’t think you will be able to have any secrets. she knows what your thinking before you do and even when you don’t think she knows or you don’t think she’ll find out she already knows she just hasn’t let on. Aaliya is going places in life so if you wanna be apart of it be good to her. I’ve only ever met one Aaliya and if you have met one and she is anything like this she is the same person and she is mine so you’ll have to find another girl.

Guy: hello Aaliya
Aaliya: hey
Guy: do you wanna go out with me
Aaliya: sorry I’ve got a boyfriend
Guy: but I’m captain of the football team and drive a Porsche he is a nerd
Aaliya: I said I have a boyfriend sorry

by MOANAMUMMA August 18, 2019

157👍 6👎


If you ever meet an Aaliya you have found a needle in a hay stack. You have found the most caring smart kind beautiful sweet woman you can ever imagine she is the nicest friend and the best partner you could imagine. She is also a sex goddess so be prepared to be knocked off your feet. But chances are the Aaliya you have found is my needle so back off.

Friend: Hey Aaliya, would you like to go to the shops and play with guns
Aaliya: No thanks
Friend: Why not?
Aaliya: I am a gun

by MOANAMUMMA August 18, 2019

19👍 2👎


Saxon is the kindest guy you’ll ever meet. He’s good to his friends and is loyal. He’s good with weapons of mass destruction and is real tough. He has a big cock and is a bit of a sex God.

Friend: Hey, Saxon can you help me with this assignment
Saxon: yeah sure, just let me grab my weapon

by MOANAMUMMA June 12, 2019

15👍 7👎


Saxon is the hottest, sexiest guy you'll ever meet. He's really nice and kind and he's sooooo soooo soooo sweet and cute. Saxon has a very big, caring heart and he gives the best hugs ever!! He has the best laugh and he's such a cutie. Saxon is an amazing leader, a true friend and the best boyfriend ever. If you meet him you're super lucky because there is nobody else like him or even close to as awesome as him. Saxon is a true sex God, he'll make you go crazy. Saxons mine though so go away

Saxon: Hay
Person: Hey wow you're hot

by MOANAMUMMA August 18, 2019

11👍 7👎


Varshidhi is crazy and she will steal your bread. You have to watch your bread and guard it with your life because she steals bread and you can't steal her bread or she will kill you with guns from her ass. I recommend messing with her because she is messing with you right now just look for your fucking bread it's not there is it? That's what i thought. She's also crazy about bananas. If you have a banana you better hide it because she will steal it if you're not careful. Trust me.

Varshidhi stole my bread!

by MOANAMUMMA August 18, 2019