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A newer site that is alike to social networks except it only uses Questions & Answers (Q&A) type of protocol. Where you ask a question and *hope* for an answer. You're welcome to remain Anonymous or you may ask as yourself. This new "social network" site/application is supported on PC, iOS, Android, and Windows. It seems to work best on PC as of 7/3/2013, the phone App. looks very choppy and mediocre.

- - Remain anonymous when asking - -

Anonymous - Have you fucked your family before?
Name - Umm, who are you? NO!

- - Ask as YOU - -

Name - Who is your favorite actor?
Name - Well, that's Robert Downey Jr. =)!

In Person -

Friend - Hey man, did you see her answers on Ask.Fm?
You - No, why?
Friend - You won't believe what she said about you!

by MR.THUG July 3, 2013

77👍 32👎