Similar to merge burgler, used for more egregious, infuriatig, and/or sociopathic examples of merge-lane exploitation.
Example; going up an offramp, only to go through the light at the top and back down the opposite onramp, then forcing oneself back into a (stationary) line of traffic at the expense of everyone between the exit and entry points.
.....aaaaand there he goes. Man, if I knew my kid did that, I'd disown him. Hope that frikken' merge molester gets his grill ripped of by some 1990 rustbucket Ford Escort when he tries weaselling back in.
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One who uses the merge lane as an actual, viable, legal lane of traffic, for the purpose of a) getting into a static lane of traffic far in advance of the other vehicles who have merged more promptly, or b) passing moving traffic at greater speeds than even the current 'fast lane' would allow.
Al was in the habit of only half-occupying a lane when he merged into it, leaving half his 1990 Dodge Dart hanging into the merge lane to discourage the Merge Burgler s.