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When the boss invites an employee into the office and offers a permanent vacation--without pay, of course.

Dude, if you keep taking those extended lunch breaks you're gonna get termed.

by Mack C February 14, 2007

343πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Awesome Mexican soup made with tripe (beef stomach,) hominy, chile peppers, onions, cilantro, oregeno, and a splash of lime. Some like menudo served with tortilla and "con pata"--which means with a pig's foot in there too. Menudo is traditionally eaten on Saturday mornings and has been known to cure the common hangover.

Dude, I'm gonna have a bowl of menudo and then take a little nap.

by Mack C January 15, 2007

517πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

jimi hendrix

A self-taught guitarist who developed into a virtuoso and became the most accomplished and influential musician in the history of rock music. Hendrix spent years traveling on the chitlin circuit, learning the blues and honing his craft. He landed in New York's Harlem and Greenwich Village, trying to make a name for himself and nearly starving to death. He caught a break by going to England and showing them what an authentic bluesman really is. From October 1966 to September 1970 Hendrix took music to heights in had never been. Drugs, women, and the music business killed him at age 27.

Dude, when Jimi Hendrix played that solo with his teeth I fell out of my chair.

by Mack C January 15, 2007

713πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


A person with a creative mind who studies and reflects and thinks himself out of a basic knowedge of who he really is.

Dude, an intellectual explained to me that the planet earth is the result of a "big bang" in the universe and that man evolved from the swamps.

by Mack C March 17, 2007

958πŸ‘ 307πŸ‘Ž

Charles Bukowski

An incredibly funny, Los Angeles writer known as "the prophet of skid row." Bukowski published thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories, and six novels. His simple writing style is often imitated and centers on drinking, whores, and playing the horses. Bukowski spent many years drifing across the USA in a drunken haze, working crap jobs, fighting in bars, and living in flop houses. Later, he returned to LA, worked at the Post Office, played the horses, and started writing. He wrote the autobiographical movie "Barfly" staring Mickey Rourke and Faye Dunaway.

"...well, I wasn't quite a bum. I had a library card and I checked books in and out, large stacks of them, always taking the limit allowed..."--Charles Bukowski, The Burning of the Dream.

by Mack C January 15, 2007

401πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


The aimless pursuit of thrills.

Dude, on Fridays I just kinda gallivant around the office all day.

by Mack C February 22, 2007

345πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

driving south

1. A totally plausible transition period one reaches while driving on the open freeway after work on a beautiful Friday afternoon, with the wind in your hair, some Smashing Pumpkins blaring from the stereo, a pocket full of money, a chilled beverage in your lap, and anticipating an awesome weekend.
2. Unwinding after work and entering a far truer realm of existence.

Dude, after driving south for a half hour I'm ready for the festivities!"

by Mack C March 16, 2007

251πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž