Source Code

Codex Alimentarius

A corrupted food-based industry that definitely contain the worst types of human beings (should I really call them that) that exist in the world. A sex slave to the big drug, biotech, and GMO corporations. These shit-talking dickheads will do anything that they can to rob us our health and health freedom so they can earn a little bit more profit from them. These rotten pieces of shit splatter more horseshit than a horse's intestines thrown into a lawnmower, and they purposely do it just so their butt buddy corporations like Big Pharma would make more profit. These assholes spread their horseshit by threatening countries to join them by saying that if they don't join Codex Alimentarius they can't join the World Trade Organization. Unless we can stop them, they will ban every single natural health food, every single vitamin and mineral supplement, and every herb, and they will accomplish that by classfying nutrients as toxins not through science, but through fart that came out of their brains that are lodged inside their dicks. On the other hand, these hypocritical dickheads don't consider pharmaceutical drugs and pesticides as toxic, despite the fact any blind and deaf retard could tell that they are. They want to make it mandatory for all crops and livestock to be treated with genetic engineering, irradiation, pesticides, wax, and food colouring, so that with the citizen's health in jeopardy (more healthy people means fewer drugs sold, hence fewer profits from Big Pharma. Aww boo hoo hoo), all those extra bucks they make will satisfy their sexual fetish for dollar bills. Needless to say, they don't give a flying shit about people's health. Whenever people die, they go and masturbate inside their funerals. When their laws are implemented, an average of 3 billion people (most from third-world countries) will die simply because they're not allowed to eat nutrient dense foods. These cash-mongering assholes deserve the worst possible punishment if they ever get captured when people discover the truths about them. They need to be stopped ASAP for the health and safety of of our citizens and the freedom of our citizens.

Their regulations sound idiotic and asinine enough never to be passed, right? Well, no. The North American governments can do little to stop them because the Codex is universally adopted (due to afformented reasons) and if the government decides to approve the Codex laws, they'll do so without parliamentary approval. Which means WE AS CITIZENS CAN ONLY STOP THE CODEX!

Dickhead aka Codex Alimentarius worker: I have an idea. Let's all ban those poisonous nutrient supplements from markets and make it mandatory to grow crops using irradiation, GMO's, pesticides, and all those shit that's bad for us.

Logical person who actually care about other people: Sir, there's one problem: there has never been a study showing that nutrients will kill us and that natural foods are deadly to us. So bite me, jackass.

Dickhead: Shut up! I don't want you spreading our secrets. <grabs out a gun and shoots logical person in the head>

The amount of knowledge Codex knows about science is the same as the amount of knowledge a goldfish knows about the land.

Codex is so full of shit up to the eyes I'm surprised that they haven't even been sundried yet.

by Mack75 August 25, 2008

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