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A middle age/late age suburbian white man or woman

The term "Granola" for this specific description originates from the nut and oat clusters called 'Granola Bars', which are a favorite of health fanatics and joggers around the U.S.

Generally characterized by:
- Jogging in a suburban park
- Wearing a sweater with the sleeves around their neck
- Bubbly and effervescant nature

'look at those old fucking granola's'

'I think those couple of granolas just saw you hit the pipe.'

by MackDeezNuts December 24, 2006

10👍 72👎


A nickname given to the city of Henderson by its original delinquent residents - A suburb south of Las Vegas - Also known as H Town

'I've been holdin it down for hendo since 1984 nigga'

by MackDeezNuts December 24, 2006

23👍 54👎

Oogly Boogly

A bodily feeling generated by being very high and very drunk simultaneously

'I've got the oogly boogly's like a mufucka.'

by MackDeezNuts December 24, 2006

14👍 164👎

Oogly Boogly

A bodily feeling generated by being very high and very drunk simultaneously

'I've got the oogly boogly's like a mufucka.'

by MackDeezNuts December 24, 2006

5👍 157👎


1. Emphasizes the meaning, seriousness, or quality of a word.
2. Used to agree or disagree with an opinion
3. Shows gravity in situations, as well as it can be used in measurement

- Used very frequently in northern California and Las Vegas

1. 'That movie was hella gay'
'Thats hella bomb chronic'
'Its hella cloudy today'

2. Joe: "These shoes look awful"
Dan: "Hella."

3. 'I got hella ripped off fool'
'I got hella money this payckeck'
'I fried hella bad last week, I'll never do mushrooms again'

by MackDeezNuts December 24, 2006

21👍 18👎