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What Hinata from Naruto usually says when she's shy when talking or seeing Naruto.

Naruto: *Does something cool*
Hinata: N-Naruto-Kun, you're so cool
Naruto: Oh, thanks :)
Hinata: N-Naruto-Kun!!! *And gets heart attack*

by Mackyyo July 1, 2021


A name nationalistic Cambodians use to describe Thailand. Since Thai culture is heavily influenced by Cambodian culture, Cambodian people will claim that Thailand stole their culture.

Tourist: Thailand has such a beautiful culture
Khmer nationalist: Omg Thiefland steel colcher from Cambodia!!! The orijinol Cambodian colcher >>>>>>>>>> Thiefland colcher

by Mackyyo July 3, 2021

19👍 9👎


A toxic fanboy/fangirl of the One Piece character Zoro.

Zorotard: ZoRO iS dA BesT aNImE cHAracTEr. zORO iS sTronGer thAN LuFFy aND nO DiffS SanJI
One Piece fans: Omg, what a Zorotard you are

by Mackyyo July 1, 2021

32👍 10👎


A name Thai people use to call Cambodia when they are annoyed of Cambodians claiming their culture. Despite being heavily influenced by Cambodian culture, Thai culture came from many different sources and is original.

Cambodian person: Thiefland colcher is all stolen from Cambodia
Thai person: Shut up, you durty Claimbodian!!! Thai colcher is youneek on its own. Jeez, why are peepol from Claimbodia so stoopid

by Mackyyo July 3, 2021

87👍 56👎