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a person who adheres to the democratic party, the more liberal of the two dominating political forces in America. while their policies often have good intentions, they place faith in government, otherwise known as the most inefficient organization known to man. For a democrat, government programs are the solution to just about any social problem, especially those created or aggravated by government programs or restrictions (see health care). To pay for said programs, they would take as much money as they can from rich people. If in congress, they avoid taxes to prevent this from affecting them too much. they also believe that the ideal way to create jobs is to take lots of money away from rich people who, incidentally are the ones who actually provide jobs for those with less money.

Also a person who claims to be a capitalist rather then a socialist, and then when asked to describe their beliefs, describe either socialism, or Marxism (read the Communist Manifesto if you don't believe me).

Democrats have a majority in both houses of congress

Many economists believe that FDR, a democrat, actually prolonged and intensified the great depression by his domestic policies

by MadnessClown December 30, 2010

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