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A momster is something your mother can turn into when she flips her shit and freaks out at you. This normally happens when:

1) you cut your own hair
2) you pierce yourself
3) when you break something

4) when you accidently say something in front of her that is more of a "friend remark"
or 5) when you accidently drop your guinea pig that she really loves to feed.

teenager: "hey mom nice new computer charger" *poke* *crash* D= "umm....te-he-he-he..." *runs in room...followed by a mom...*

Momster: "YOU %^&* TEENAGER touchin' on my effing charger!!!!! AHHHerrrrrrrHAhbdsfjdkjf..."

teenager: "0_o holy shit, my mom just turned into a momster and flipped her shit.. "

by Magentaa0_o September 12, 2011

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