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50 shekel

a jewish rapper from New York City, whose songs inckude "In Da Shul" and "Chanukah Jam".

man, the 50 Shekel- Jew Rule feud has gotten outta control...

by Maks July 21, 2004

53πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

national post

canadian national newspaper, the canadian equivalent of the usa today. absolutely obsessed with terrorism, israel and celine dion, and it is a sure bet that any day's headline not being about "NEW TERROR THREAT TO CANADIAN FAMILIES!!!" will be either "SHANIA UNVEILS NEW SHOES!!!" or "CELINE RETURNS!!!"

Billy picked up the day's National Post. The front page headline read, in 40-point type, "POTENTIAL TERROR ATTACK! UNIDENTIFIED LARGE BLOB OF FATTY SUBSTANCE WASHES ASHORE!"

Billy scratched his head. Had no one thought of the possibility that Celine Dion's husband may have been out yachting?

by Maks October 14, 2004

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

antique farm equipment

a somewhat obscure racial slur used against black folk- the inference being that they were used for farm work a good while ago and so would be "antique".

Larry shook his head, "Now ah say this was a good neighborhood but now its being overrun by these dang pieces of antique farm equipment..."

by Maks May 20, 2004

247πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


a term used in connection with internet-related boasting or toughguy-ness. The more one boasts the larger his e-penis can be said to be. The term is a mildly insulting comparison of one's unconfirmable boasts with individuals' boasts of their penile length

InternetDude01: I dont care if they were Hells Angels. I would have fucking fucked up all of them...baseball bat to the knees, then pepper-spray to the eyes when theyre on the ground...
InternetDude02: Wow, your e-penis must be at least a meter long...

by Maks August 6, 2006

330πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž

confusing as father's day at shawn kemp's house

a very confising situation. Named so because Mr. Kemp has six children with four different women, and so the occurence of father's day will likely feature puzzlement on Mr. Kemp's part as he tries to match the children with their mothers, not to mention the catfight bound to break out when four ghetto ladies gather to discuss the children fathered by the same man.

-How was the math exam?
-Fuck, I dont think I got a question right. It was as confusing as father's day at shawn kemp's house...

by Maks July 23, 2004

29πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

wilhelm reich

thirties psychoanalyst and contemporary of freud. Member of the german Communist party until 1936. Exiled from Germany for his opposition to the Nazi party. Author of such books as Listen Little Man, The Sexual Revolution and the Mass Psychology of Fascism. Provided a revolutionary analysis of the means by which fascist and totalitarian states find support amongst the populace. Introduced the term "character armoring" to represent neuroses manifesting themselves as obstructions to the flow of energy within the human body.

Moves to Norway and later the USA, where his work on bioenergy leads him to develop the concept of "orgone energy". Develops "orgone accumulator box" which works like a tanning-bed for this orgone energy. Is widely ridiculed for this as well as his subsequent claim to have found a cure for cancer, and a weather-changing machine. Yet his "orgone box" repeatedly saves the lives of mice injected with cancer cells and placed inside it.

Puts ten milligrams of radium in an orgone box- the result is everyone in the 3-story building gets radiation sickness and radiation detectors 120 miles away pick up trace amounts of radioactivity.
His "orgone boxes" are destroyed by the FDA when he attempts to sell them across state lines.

He then moves from New York to Arizona to continue his weather research. he is hired twice by farmers who want him to make it rain and on both occasions DOES. One week after his arrival in a small arizona town a torrential rainstorm breaks out and more rain falls in a week than did inthe previous 40 years.

Still continues to sell "orgone boxes". In 1955 FDA hauls his ass into court. Sentenced to a year in jail in '56. Dies on Nov. 3rd 1957 aged 60.

Wilhelm Reich revolutionized psychoanalysis and invented machines that, while they seem doubtful, have striking amounts of evidence in existence in favour of them actually working

by Maks March 17, 2004

26πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


the idiotic ramblings of a twelve-year-old boy, sparked when the aforementioned girl asked him for the time at the bus stop. He then spends the next three weeks glancing at her and following her around before abandoning said crush when he sees a tabloid photo of Maria Sharapova.

someone get this garbage off the site...

by Maks August 16, 2004

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž