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The exact point when a combination of things (Hangover, Tiredness, Girlfriends/Boyfriends, Heat, Noises) culminate to produce the biggest stress head you have ever had.

Normally signalled by a large release of breath follwed by the exclamation "Booooiiillllleeeedd" in a high pitched tone.

A boiled head can be cured by beer, sleep or a "reflection hour" where the topics that have boiled your head are discussed with friends

See also cooked ,stressed.

Dude 1: Maan, Mike had a crazy night last night, he was in the club and about 5 of his ex girlfriends were there. He got home at 5am and had work at 8am! I hear his ex has been on to him all day too

Dude 2: Isn't he working duty til 10pm?

Dude 1: Oh man he must be BOILED!

*Mike walks in*

Mike: Boooooiiiiiillled!

by ManChild1984 June 13, 2011

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