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A tasteless telivision network that is in fact the reason for many of the problems of Afro-American society. It supports stereotypical views of us blacks, instill bad grammar and sloppy dress.
It also causes many of my unghetto ghetto dwelling peers and myself to get many frustrating questions
BET is the antithesis of the African Diaspora and negates and nullifies everything our ancestors were

MeltswingMM2000: our pround black heritage, the african diaspora has taken a backseat to hiphop culture and BET
MeltswingMM2000: wtf...BET is owned by white people...
MeltswingMM2000: not to make any kind of racist point
H CheeseSandwich: whoa
MeltswingMM2000: BET is what is currupting our culture
H CheeseSandwich: thats all we had left! why cant they get....WET?
MeltswingMM2000: i say fuck bet
MeltswingMM2000: luckily...
MeltswingMM2000: we have a channel called TVOne MeltswingMM2000: TVOne is a tasteful alternative to BET
H CheeseSandwich: oh
MeltswingMM2000: i am offended by black people who give me heat about the way i talk and that i dont watch BET
MeltswingMM2000: you know what, D
MeltswingMM2000: we should learn Swahili and Mandinka

by ManOfTheDiaspora April 23, 2005

284๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž

windows media player

Worthless music player because of its useless library (iTunes is better) and crappy sound quality (musicmatch jukebox is better. Uttely worthless media guide (Realone is better). Only good for watching porn, and you can do that on Real or WinDVD. It's the prettiest media player

WMP sucks, but on the bright side...it has um.....pretty skins and visualizers.... oh! It burns pretty well too...thats pretty much it.

by ManOfTheDiaspora July 28, 2005

71๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž


Good old fashioned non sequitur. A word only to be uttered when something is done or said that leaves you completely and utterly confused and to think on it too long would cause massive hemmoraging

Hey, G hows it going
Fine, D, I got an iPod--You know what? i love duvee covers...I mean porn, and red meat...but seriously duvee covers are the antichrist in a cowsuit--you know, i don't what the goth and prep obsession comes from, monkeys are like the redneck bumpkin cousin to humanity. Frank Zappa's hair is cool, if i were white, i would probobly be thinking about eating whipped cream. Ah...that was a tastey nail sandwich i had for my pre breakfast snack. But I digress. You were saying something?
Ah...that was so frickin off topic it makes me want to vomit, never do that again.


If it weren't for that horse you wouldnt have spent that year in colleg

by ManOfTheDiaspora June 12, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž