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1) To capture, seize, take or hold ect ect ect
2) The abriviation for the term catchya which is an Australian term which means catch you later or goodbye
3) Can be used to describe Chicks

1)Patty - "hey timmy can you catch the ball"
2)Steven - "Yeah I will see you later eh"
Ben - "yeah, catch"
3)Steven - "man is my girl a catch"

by Mangles September 20, 2005

233👍 113👎


1) Pronounced affection-eight-ing
A kiss may just be a kiss but to affectionate someone is something more

1)Steven -"I spent my night affectionating my girlfriend"

Sarah - "why can't i affectionate you"

by Mangles September 20, 2005

8👍 6👎


1.An expression of a lack of interest in another persons comment
2.Used to look down upon another

Person 1: u really suck man
Person 2: pfft

Person 1: Well i had to build my house with my own two hands
Person 2: Pfft...i Had to build this whole dam city with mine

by Mangles November 12, 2004

1912👍 495👎


1) a word generally used by Australians which means goodbye or seeya later

1) Ben - "seeya round eh"
Steven - "yeah catchya"

by Mangles September 20, 2005

53👍 4👎