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(pronounced blakeian) - w.r.t. the visual arts, painstakingly realistic in representing human anatomy and other natural forms, while also radiantly imaginative.

In my Blakean year ... (Patti Smith)

by Mapplethorpe January 14, 2011


1. Fascism - Italian historical phenomenon containing many elements of the following, including lies about its function, and...

2. fascism - social pathology characterized by longing for simplistic central government that may violently repress political opposition and violently oppress and scapegoat pacifists, homosexuals, and other nonviolent groups like drug users, and national, religious, or ethnic groups with fringe political power - social pathology, like crime or alcoholism, that functions as a disease, including contagion, of a social organism - why EU countries, Germany particularly, have campaign content limit laws, banning overtly fascist appeals. In the end, fascism's about brutalizing the politically weak or nonviolent, bullying or terrorizing them to gain the support, or at least acquiescence, of a weak-minded, resentful or frightened plurality. It's a useful tool for anyone seeking power.

Historically, fascist campaigns were populist, appealing to an ethnic plurality, and hateful, even genocidal, toward other groups. Backed by dark money of a rich, greedy few, these campaigns were heedless of harm they cause. As such, fascism's always been with us.

"The people ... can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." - Hermann Goering during the Nuremberg Trials

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." - attributed to Benito Mussolini, 1932

"We control political forces, we control moral forces, we control economic forces, therefore we are a full-blown Corporative state." - Mussolini, '32 Doctrine of Fascism.

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power." - Franklin D Roosevelt, 1942

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - attributed to Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951)

"Fascism is capitalism plus murder." - Upton Sinclair (1878-1968)

by Mapplethorpe September 17, 2019

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