Source Code

oh knats

The word "stank ho" spelled backwards. Covert way of alerting someone of the presence of a nasty ho. Origin: TV show, In Living Color.

Hide the chips and beer, two oh knats just walked in the room.

by Mario Rogic January 15, 2003

48πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A jobber in professional wrestling.

Low class.

KickFag and Derek are jabronis, they couldn't make a professional looking costume to save their lives.

by Mario Rogic January 15, 2003

73πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


The act of devouring an underaged girl, a small animal, or feces.

The mating call of a Marachan.

Derek glomphs Alisa and her dog Missy every morning.

If Big Joe yells "glomph," run as fast as you can!

by Mario Rogic February 20, 2003

4πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Someone who frequently jobs in professional wrestling.

A midcard wrestler who's entire existance is to help other wrestlers look better.

Chris Jericho was a jobber in WCW, but the WWF made him the King Of The World!

by Mario Rogic January 15, 2003

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A simpleton, someone who is poorly schooled, or someone with a mental deficiency.

Origin: Movie, The Lawnmower Man.

If you talk to Derek or KickFag, they seem like such Jobes. Are you sure they aren't retarded?

by Mario Rogic January 15, 2003

55πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


Yiddish - Meddler, gossiper, meddlesome, busybody, nuisance. Mostly Judaic and female.

Those three Yentas keep trying to set me up with their grandsons.

by Mario Rogic January 15, 2003

1025πŸ‘ 245πŸ‘Ž


Egocentric, self-centered, inconsiderate, ignorant, charlatan, loudmouth. Someone who thinks they know what's right for everyone, when it's apparent they know nothing.

I wish actors would stop being such Streisands! Just because they're in movies doesn't mean they're smart.

by Mario Rogic January 15, 2003

70πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž