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1. Someone who gets involved in other people's affairs without warrant to do so.

2. One who is constantly interfering in other people's business.

My mother is such a meddler when it comes to people I date.

by Smithers2 October 19, 2006

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Messing around with your town’s eligible mothers

Eric is now divorced across town meddling with a new woman. Eric is a true meddler

by Walleyed November 23, 2020

Midnight Meddler

A fiddler, an individual whose incessant interference during the night can cause a predicament the next day. This could be at work i.e. a night worker putting a day worker up shit creek without a paddle because of his meddling during the late shift. A second application could be made in a domestic situation where a family member raids the fridge late at night leaving a mess to be cleared up the next morning. Midnight Meddlers invariably do not sort out their own mess.

Sam: "What the hell happened here? It was fine last night"
Rollo: "Must have been the midnight meddlers."

by DrHenryMoody July 14, 2010

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meeky meddler

A meeky meddler is a meeky little person , a person just really insanely meeky and hell even a little bit of a meddler. A meeky meddler is meeky as FUCK it can also be used as a replacement for goofy or zesty. Also silly and insane. Meeky meddlers are meeky and psychotic.

β€œHoly shit that guy right there is such a little meeky meddler”

by heavyscock May 31, 2023