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Rape Snuggle

A hug that is awkward and uncomfortable. It always takes way longer than it should. You are being squeezed too tight and often have body parts touching that should normally not be touching. The sniffing of hair and a whispered, “Don’t make it weird” usually follows. When released from the hug, you feel slightly dirty and the need for an adult. Unless you are the one performing the rape snuggle, in which case, you have a satisfied smile on your face upon completion.

The Man: “Did you see that?! Lorenzo just rape snuggled that girl.”

Mo: “I saw it and I don’t know how he gets away with it. He’s already gone through six sensitivity classes.”

by Mashers69 May 26, 2014

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x wing fingering

A superior form of fingering. Take the middle finger and cross it over the index finger forming an "x". Maneuver them straight down her trench and skim the surface. The target area is only two inches wide. It's a small thermal haven, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should cause an explosion. Only a precise hit will set off a chain reaction! Only those strong in the force are able to acquire their target.

Mo: "I was Red Five last night."
Lo: "Aw yeah! X wing fingering - did she scream 'Stay on Target!' ?"

by Mashers69 April 4, 2016

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Goat Blast

An euphemism for a foursome consisting of three men and one woman. The term comes from the phrase, “I’m hornier than a three-peckered billy goat”. How does one satisfy said goat? It has a blast with a hornier female goat. Three guys with three peckers and one horny girl is more than group sex, it’s a goat blast. The term was created and first used on the podcast Slacker and The Man.

Dobbs: “What happened last weekend? I heard some of the crew spent the night with that chick with the big boobs. Anybody get lucky?”

The Man: “The three of us did a goat blast with her!”

Dobbs: “I should have been there!”

The Man: “Yeah, you could have held the camera.”

by Mashers69 August 16, 2014

headbutt the unicorn

An euphemism for fellatio, oral sex, an act performed by a person on the penis of a male, the opposite of cunnilingus. The term was created by “The Man” and has become popular due to its frequent use on the legendary podcast Slacker and The Man. It is important to this podcast not to offend their sensitive listeners, many being doctors and lawyers.

Terminology: A headbutt is a strike with the head, typically striking a sensitive area of an opponent. A unicorn is a horse like animal with a long horn believed to have healing powers. If you haven’t figured it out yet, unicorn is another euphemism for that most honored part of the male anatomy, the penis. Put the two together and it is easy to create an image in the mind of a woman charging with her face first into a gentleman’s lap - the beginning of oral sex on a man.

FNG: Did you see that chick in the Poison Ivy costume?"
Snuggles the Fister: "Yeah, she is totally going to headbutt the unicorn tonight."
Mashers: "What's headbutt the unicorn?"
The Man: "The opposite of headbutt the buffalo."
Dobbs (singing): "Show me how to blow dudes, blow dudes..."

by Mashers69 March 28, 2014

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headbutt the buffalo

An euphemism for cunnilingus, oral sex, an act performed by a person on the vulva and/or vagina of a female, the opposite of fellatio. The term was created by “The Man” and has become popular due to its frequent use on the legendary podcast Slacker and The Man. It is important to this podcast not to offend their sensitive listeners, many being doctors and lawyers.

Terminology: A headbutt is a strike with the head, typically striking a sensitive area of an opponent. A buffalo is an animal that is the size of a very large cow, with shaggy, long, black/brown fur. If you haven’t figured it out yet, buffalo is another euphemism for that treasured part of the female anatomy, the vagina. Put the two together and it is easy to create an image in the mind of a man charging with his face first into a lady’s lap - the beginning of oral sex on a woman.

Mashers: "I have a 30 minute minimum when it comes to sex."
The Man: "Does that include headbutting the buffalo?"

The Man: "Ever headbutt the buffalo?"

by Mashers69 January 12, 2014