Source Code

Bieber Fever

When a fan is so obsessed with the godly Justin Bieber, she refers to herself as having Bieber Fever.

You have Bieber Fever if...
-You love Beebs
-You own the two CD's
-You own his book
-You have got to his concert
-You get ever magazine with Bieber's face on it
-You have 30+ posters of him
-You know every detail about him
-You know every lyric he sings

Side Effects
-Loss of friends
-You automatically become a 'belieber'

*See 'belieber' for more info on the topic
-Youtube addiction
-Rapid Heart Beats. (RHB)

Dude, that Lexy girl has Bieber Fever.

I know man, he's cool.

by Massiecure. January 27, 2011

10👍 10👎