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The Financial District of New York. Known for being the neighborhood where the real Wall Street is located.

FiDi is the economic capital of the world.

by MastaCheez November 10, 2018

6👍 3👎


An adjective used to describe a person or trait which adheres to a stereotype.

A stereotypical person is one who is the image of a stereotype. It is NOT (I repeat, NOT!!!!) a person who believes that stereotypes are true. Only a stereotypical foreigner would think this, because the stereotype of foreigners is that they are bad at English. The fact that I feel this way does not make me stereotypical, because there is no stereotype that urban dictionary users are xenophobic.

The word stereotypical should be used in a sentence the same way you would use the word typical.

Correct Use: "That Asian kid is good at math? How stereotypical."

Incorrect Use: "That jerk assumed that i'm good at math just cause I'm Asian! He's so stereotypical."

by MastaCheez December 30, 2011

185👍 65👎