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Short definition: opposite to a newbie

long definition: Someone who grew up in a time now considered old school. An oldbie is someone who grew up in a time when facebook and smartphones didn't exist. This doesn't mean we weren't social animals, in fact, us oldbies regularly hung out and met people the good old fashioned way and had a freakin' awesome time. Back then, pills were cheap, cannabis was still class C, music wasn't as watered down and shit as it is now, but above all, people were REAL.

Facebook turned those who were Generation Y/Z into spoilt, internet tards with too much time on their hands. Generation Z now live sheltered lives with their parents and expensive gadgets. I feel sorry for you newbies, we grew up in the golden age of cartoons and did stuff the hard way. There was a time when we had free parties without interference from the law; and people had real experiences (e.g. camping) without the whole world knowing about it...

A twenty-something, MW3 gamer who holds down a fulltime job or is a student. An oldbie could smoke a joint and still come top of the leaderboard beating younger, inexperienced pre-pubescent males. This is because oldbie's have played first person shooter games for about 15-20 years - about the time wolfenstein 3D, Doom and Duke came out. Oldbie's will continue owning until the day they get married and have a mortgage... then it's game over.

by Mastodon88 February 17, 2012

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