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adj.- (as seen on totino's pizza rolls)

1.an event which requires the noun qualifier to signal Pavlovian reactions in the brain due to the shear awesomeness of said event.

2. A descriptive word used only when something is sofa king awesome, it requires an adjective that makes you taste delicious totino's pizza rolls in your mouth just by think about how fucking awesome it is.

1. "Dude! That movie was awesome-taste."

2. -"Hey man, I got some poon last night."

-"Yeah!? How was it?"


3. "These pizza rolls are so awesome taste!"

by Matches220 May 20, 2011

3👍 5👎

awesome taste

adj.- (as seen on totino's pizza rolls)

1.an event which requires the noun qualifier to signal Pavlovian reactions in the brain due to the shear awesomeness of said event.

2. A descriptive word used only when something is sofa king awesome, it requires an adjective that makes you taste delicious totino's pizza rolls in your mouth just by thinking about how fucking awesome it is.

1. "Dude! That movie was awesome-taste."

2. -"Hey man, I got some poon last night."

-"Yeah!? How was it?"


3. "These pizza rolls are so awesome taste!"

by Matches220 June 25, 2011