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unwilling pioneer

a person who is forced to be the first to do something they don't want to do, but circumstances have left that person with no other options.

Kris: "no other medication has worked, I have no choice but to take this experimental drug. But, I don't know what the side-effects are. I don't want to be the example for others if something goes wrong. I am an unwilling pioneer."
Dave: that sucks man

by Maves December 12, 2012

unwilling pioneer

a person who is forced to be the first to do something that they do not want to, but see no other choice.

no other medication has worked for me, so I have no other choice than to take this experimental drug. But, I don't want to be an example for others if it has some unforeseen side-effects. I am an unwilling pioneer. I don't want to be the reason that there is a disclaimer "may cause anal leakage" as a possible side-effect at the end of the commercial for that drug.

by Maves December 12, 2012

geographically illiterate

a person who has no knowledge of the existence of other countries or where any country is outside of the United States. Someone who sucks at geography.

Kris: Do you know where Ukraine is?
Dave: Is that the country next to India?
Kris: No! God, you're geographically illiterate

Kris: Did you hear that Russia invaded Geogia?
Dave: OMG! Are they going to invade Atlanta?
Kris: No, Georgia the country you dumbass
Dave: There's a country called Georgia?
Kris: You are so geographically illiterate

by Maves December 12, 2012


A whole bucket full o' sluts

Hey bro you want to make a slut-bucket?????

by Maves January 17, 2014

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