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Chinesium alloy

The materials (generally metals but also parts such as gears, springs, screws, electronics, woods etc) used in manufactoring products made in China. Which vary in performance/quality due to disreputable quality control. Which in turn, leads to the same products potentially being different, and in rare cases, even dodgy.

"I don't understand! We have the exact same gel blasters, why is yours better than mine?"

"Chinesium Alloy mate."

"Fucking budget cuts!"

- Two Aussies in a backyard in Queensland.

"I didn't trust guitars made in china 10 years ago, Chinesium alloy was a major factor back then. Good thing it's changed now."

"This circuit board fried to the shithouse. Hmm. Must be the chinesium alloy."

by Maximus Penetratus January 6, 2019

24👍 1👎

Russian Mouthwash / Russian Listerine

After a male has ejaculated semen into a partners mouth, the partner follows through with taking a shot of extremely cold vodka, swishing both semen and vodka and then swallowing whole.

Examples for Russian Mouthwash / Russian Listerine.

Jacks partner took a shot of Russian Listerine, Jack replied with "It's dynamite against germs"

Kristina was feeling frisky, and wanted to show Andy how to properly do a Russian Mouthwash.

Kristina: "Andy, do you know what a Russian Mouthwash is?"

Andy: "Isn't that where you just use vodka as mouth wash?"

Kristina: "Yes... But let me show you how to do real Russian Mouthwash"

by Maximus Penetratus February 8, 2014

3👍 6👎