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pointy tits

Sharp, pointy breasts that are liable to poke your eye out or puncture anything they touch.

During an early stage of puberty, many girls get pointy tits. It's a normal stage that they will soon grow out of (hopefully). If she's a full-grown woman and still has pointy tits, something is wrong.

If you've seen the original Batman movie, you know what pointy tits are (look at Catwoman).

by MaximusPrime February 24, 2008

32👍 64👎


A derogatory, insulting term used to denote stupidity. Can be considered racist, as the term may apply to other races deemed inferior by the speaker.

The East building in Southwest High School is for span kids.

by MaximusPrime August 5, 2007

183👍 90👎

God of War 2

The second part in the God of War trilogy. A great game with tons of bonus features. Can be played in HD (must be unlocked) which makes it look even better.

Blood, guts, and extreme violence are at the heart of this game. The protagonist, Kratos, has some sick swords which were chained to his arms as a result of his deal with Ares (In God of War 1). These are versatile weapons, and the combat system is great. There are several unlockable weapons, each with separate strengths/weaknesses and styles.

The game follows this basic plot line: Kratos, a son of Zeus, wants to be the god of war. He goes through some trials, tribulations, and kills some bosses. Eventually he confronts Ares and defeats him, becoming the god of war. He then becomes the god of Sparta, and hence the Ghost of Sparta. He appears at the siege of Rhodes to make the final blow and conquer the city for Sparta. Zeus, however, betrays him and takes his godly powers. Kratos must then regain his powers, while killing everything that moves along the way. At the end of his quest, Kratos faces Zeus so that he may become a god again. The story ends in the third part of the trilogy, which has yet to announce a release date.

1: How did you kill that Cyclops in God of War 2?
2: I slashed his ass up with my big ass blades then climbed up his face and tore his eyeball out.
1: This game is fucking amazing.
1: How did you just kill that Kraken thing?
2: I climbed up his tentacles and sliced them both off. Then I tore up his other tentacles and his face . Then he fell over and I ripped his face in half with a bridge.
1: I need to play, now.

by MaximusPrime August 4, 2007

56👍 7👎