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universal negative. One can say this at the end of a statement to completely reverse the whole thing. Commonly used to disprove a friend and make him/her seem foolish.

Guy #1: Who lost their keys the other night?
Guy #2: Kevin did!
Kevin: n't.
Guy #2: *blushes*

by Maxwood April 9, 2006

73👍 45👎


The study of pure pwnage. This can be taken as an online course to learn the uber-micro used by such greats as teh_pwnerer, teh_masterer and fpsdoug. Such skill is usually unattainable, and should only be undertaken by those devout to the online gaming community.

Guy #1: Wow, how'd you get to be so good at Warcraft?
Guy #2: 1 700k pwnology 45 my und3rgr4d. xD

by Maxwood April 9, 2006

67👍 13👎