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Sexsund is a short period of time when the Moon blocks the Sun, resulting in worse grow rates of plants, thus worsening the economy.

Sexsund is happening on the 21st of September.

by Maykieee November 17, 2022


A dog breed, it's not what it's name suggests...

My Peenus is 2 meters long! I can't believe they grow so fast.

by Maykieee November 18, 2022


A term for an old man who likes to play Roblox with kids on the internet. 90% of the Jarumatiro like children romantically and do things to them without their consent. They love to call children "furry" and most of the Jarumatiro are from Romania. Their father has left them and their mother is ill to the point of barely getting out of bed. They do not get any outside attention due to the fact they don't exit their house and live off child support.

Person1: Man, you know what's sad? Remember Alexander from school? Turns out he became a Jarumatiro .
Person2: Oh God, that's horrible...
Person1: Yeah I heard that he's the worst case yet...
Person2: I hope he gets caught...

by Maykieee November 19, 2022