A dirty Molero is either when you get anally violated in basketball by 3 or more other men, each one of a different race, in a public school while anyone can watch you getting milked by a jew, child trafficker, or bomberman in the span of 30 minutes.
The other option is just being a hardstuck silver in Valorant.
"Bro yesterday I dirty Molero'd a guy with other 2 guys"
"Stfu you're a dirty Molero yourself you cancerous one-armed Reyna main mf"
The act of abducting high-schoolers to rape them and then using your knowledge of biology to faggerblast them so hard they forgot they were being used as sex toys, the repeat 27 times and if one of them has a brother, doing that to said brother instead.
"Bro my ass hurts"
"You probably got dirty jorge'd"