National Cactus Making Day is on June 26th. It is the day to make a cactus 3D model.
ObviouslyPurple: Check out this cactus mesh I'm currently modeling in Blender!
*Posts picture of hairy cactus model*
UwaisPlayz: made a cactus
*Posts picture of super low poly cactus*
toxic0dd: Why is everyone making cactus today! Happy National Cactus Making Day!!!ð ð¥³
1👍 1👎
Your casual Roblox programmer. Best known for his Contributions to The Outlaw.
He has yet to be unbanned from The Cactus Bot.
FancyTaik123: "/banfrombot @piggy313 131400"
TheCactusBot "Ban Successful! MegaPiggy#9957 has been banned from the bot. This will last for 131400h!"
FancyTaik123: â ok now for piggy to be unbanned. we need 40 reacts. i dont even think its possible lmaoâ
The process of a civilization coming to peace and spreading through the universe to protect life and learn
The universe is hiding something, but who's to say its bad until we've experienced it? We have to overcome that through Nomaification.