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pick man

1. A man who intercepts things; a pick in football
2. Someone who will steal things he doesn't receive
3. Someone who climbs things
4. Someone with a functional penis

Def 1."Yo, dude , that police officer is a real pick man. He intercepted that innocent latino's drugs on the Arizona border
Def 2. "Hey guy, that dumbass pick man just took the Christmas present I was going to give him a week early. What a water fucker.
Def 3. "Yo homie , that pick man be climbin' the wall from the police.
Def 4. "Hey dawg , that pick man better back off from that girl or we might have to step in.

by Memeblaze February 14, 2018

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Treasure tricking

Whenever you and a buddy exchange items and you give him something and he doesn't give you anything in return and flees the scene, and then you are caught and can't chase or you beat the hell out of his ass

First seen in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark in the beginning when Satipo treasure tricks Indy and is killed because of his greed and his horrible luck.

The image below shows Satipo dropping the whip he was to give to Indy, and taking his new idol and running through the exit.

1. Indiana Jones was Treasure Tricked by Satipo because he lost the Idol and didn't receive his whip.
2. My homie Daddy B treasure tricked me when he took the weed out of my hand and didn't give me the promised $3,000
3. I participated in treasure tricking when I was 5 and took an extra slice of pizza from my brother's plate and didn't let him borrow the 3DS like I said I would

by Memeblaze February 20, 2019

fornicating furry

any time a chuck-e-cheese employee has sex at work, or mickey cheats on minnie at disney world.

My brother caught his girlfriend with a disgusting fornicating furry in chuck-e-cheese yesterday.

by Memeblaze February 20, 2019

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Megaslurp- When you're nearly finished with a drink and you slurp the rest of the drink and it makes a funny noise

After Me and the boys went to McDonald's, my boy finished off his Coke with a megaslurp before throwing it away

by Memeblaze January 23, 2020

Head basher

Def. 1-When that one catchy song comes on the radio and you are alone in the car and you secretly dance to it

Def. 2- That giant thing from the third Lord of the Rings movie that rams down the door of Minas Tirith

Def. 3- A sex position

1.Oh kids, back in the day whenever "We are Number One" by LazyTown came on the radio your father and I use to get all wild up in there!

2.When Gandalf saw the Head Basher approach the city, he knew they were fucked

3. Me and (Insert Trashy White Girl Name Here) performed the Head Basher in our room last night at the motel.

by Memeblaze January 23, 2020

Hentai bathing

When you are so into hentai you literally bathe in tabs full of it until you have no dick

Me and the boys did some hentai bathing for a good 19 combined hours over the weekend.

by Memeblaze January 23, 2020

Map Tapping

1.When you and the boys decide to "tap" into some Cartography books and watch the history channel.

2. When you physically tap your finger on an actual map

"We could have been using drugs, watching porn or consuming simple carbohydrates and alcohol but instead, we decided to do some Map Tapping and take a look at a map of the Asian Mainland and learn about the latitude and longitude of the middle east. My homies and I now know where Tajikistan is located, so much better than a heroin injection."

"In the movie Downfall, Adolf Hitler participates in Map Tapping when he scouts out KFC locations for the Blitzkrieg to use during their campaign in France"

by Memeblaze January 23, 2020