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Meryllance is a very crazy and hyper person.She lives to party and choke people.She also loves boys named Ian...but don’t worry no one can have a chance with her because she is too afraid of her parents.But she is very fun to hang out with (not) and again she is very crazy and I’m warning you if you know her or see one stay away and don’t even make eye contact.

Meryllance is a psycho

by Meryllance October 17, 2019

3👍 2👎


Chloe is a freaky weird ass thot that literally never wears pants.Shes freaky and likes like ten more guys everyday.She abuses her friends and loves all the attentions.She does stupid ass crazy things like jumping on a cone ass first.She is trustworthy but just don’t get her pissed off and don’t trust her with your phone.She acts like a dumbass but she’s actually really smart.Shes good at reading and always gets A’s.She also loves making Tik Toks that are cringey af.But last of all just don’t even talk to her esta loca and she’s white plus she can’t even say enchilada.

Chloe is a dumb ass gringa

by Meryllance October 19, 2019

7👍 4👎