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Soy Boy

Like snowflake, liberal left, etc. Used by low IQ order-following cowards who will do literally anything for a paycheck (i.e. military, primarily US military) to try to insult male humans they may deem inferior. This is always a cover for their own inadequacies generally stemming from lack of consensual heterosexual intercourse, higher education and its associated evolved thinking of modern humans.

Herp, derp 'you're just a soy boy!' drools, drags knuckles on ground Bleach works against covid, which is really just a lizard Satan DNA conspiracy by the snowflake liberal left herp derp! Let's go attack civilians and try to usurp our nation's government herp derp so we can take back our country like Jesus intended herp derp!

by MethodRawTTV April 27, 2022

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